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Celebrating the Legacy of Agathis borneensis
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The Maliau Basin Conservation Area, often referred to as Sabah's "Lost World," is a treasure trove of biodiversity and natural wonders. Among its most iconic inhabitants is Agathis borneensis, or the Borneo kauri—a towering conifer that has shaped both the landscape and the legacy of this pristine rainforest.
DaMaI Rainforest Landscape
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DaMaI Rainforest is not just a destination, it's a birdwatcher's paradise waiting to be explored. With over a third of Borneo's avian inhabitants residing within its lush canopy, your visit promises to be an unforgettable journey into the heart of Borneo's avian wonders.
Introduction to Maliau Basin Conservation Area
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Maliau Basin Conservation Area is situated just above the Equator in south central Sabah, the northernmost of the two East Malaysian states on the island of Borneo. Maliau Basin Conservation Area is adjacent to the Yayasan Sabah Forest Management Area, about 190 km from the town of Tawau (on the southeast coast) and some 40 km north of the Kalimantan (Indonesian) border, at between 116° 44’ – 117° 3’ E and 4° 41’ – 4° 56’ N.
Visitors Guidelines
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MBCA is a Conservation Area and while you are welcome to enjoy its pure beauty, explore its mysteries and face its challenges, there are some rules that we all must follow:
Rainforest Adventures
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Immersed yourself in a journey to the Lost World of Borneo, Maliau Basin!
Conservation Efforts & Strategies
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Protecting and sustaining the Conservation Area demands the participation of all stakeholders, including government, institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the communities that live in the conservation area's vicinity.